Week 4 Is this magic?

Is the service cards a magician thing?

Yesterday, Sunday after webcast, I wrote my service cards. I added a service that will advance my business. I started with “I connect with one prospect a day”. I thought that maybe “one” was a bit cheap but the fear was still there. So, I settled for “I connect with at least one prospect a day”.

Today, Monday morning. I sat at my desk, read the service cards, took the phone and called a prospect. Nice person, nice chat but no business. I hung up. Took the next number. No thinking, no fear. Nice person, nice chat. The prospect agreed on the fee and the prospect booked me a meeting to settle the details. I hung up. I couldn’t believe it. I read my service card again and burst into grateful joy.

What is this? Is this magic?

7 thoughts on “Week 4 Is this magic?

Hello, I'm no longer MKMMA 2014 student, see U in 2015