Week 12. Do I feel rejected?

In my profession, I have a sales profile. Yes, I am a sales person. How do I know? Every morning, I can’t wait to start working and sell somebody. Sell somebody on my enthusiasm 🙂

sales personEvery day by 10:30, I will have faced an average of 8 rejections. Some will reject my business. Some will reject my service. Some will reject my style. Some will reject my accent.

Do I feel rejected? No really! I am a sales person.


By 12:00, the same 8 people who rejected my stuff, will have sent me LinkedIn contact requests, Facebook friend requests, Skype connection invitations. They will like my comments. They will comment on my posts. They will even invite me to their own business events.

Do I feel rejected? Not really! I am a sales person. When I go to sleep, I smile. Tomorrow will offer me so many other opportunities to sell somebody on my enthusiasm 🙂


6 thoughts on “Week 12. Do I feel rejected?

Hello, I'm no longer MKMMA 2014 student, see U in 2015